Your Creator-based® Cause
It’s Labor Day, a day created by the U.S. government to celebrate all those who labor in the cause of building and creating in our country. Originally founded by labor unions in the late 1800s, Labor Day was designed to recognize the American Worker. Pretty much,...
Creator-based® Confidence
Ya know, it must just be a fall thing. Almost exactly a year ago, I wrote a blog post on creating confidence. Interestingly, it has come up again. Maybe it’s because August and September feel very much like a second New Year. With the beginning of school at age...
Creator-based® Commitment Cont’d
Heroes get muddy. Here is one of the muddy moments in my own Hero Story. Years ago, we committed to support my parents in their winding up years. When they could no longer live independently, we drove out west, packed them all up, hauled it all to our house, and...
Creator-based® Self-Coaching
Creator-based® Self-Coaching ‘Be the Hero of your own story with Self-coaching, Creator-based® Style & the Story of Beth E.’ Beth E. was tired. It had been a long day after an even longer week. Fatigue is the enemy of us all, and Beth E. was no exception. She...
Creator-based® Capacity Cont’d
Oh my goodness, it's hotter this week than last week! These truly are summer’s “dog days.” How are you doing? I hope some of last week's ideas helped you increase your capacity to create good things in your life. Do you recognize that you are the hero of your life...
Creator-based® Capacity
Creator-based® Capacity It’s hot and approaching August, summer’s “dog days.” How are you feeling? Like your tank is filled up and ready for fall? Maybe a little irritated with kids or the heat? Do you feel like you might need to increase the capacity of your tank...
Creator-based® Collections
When I was a little girl, I had a bottle cap collection. My older sister’s boyfriend had collected literally hundreds of different bottle caps and then lost interest. You know, the kind from a glass soda bottle you have to take off with a bottle opener? It was cool...
Creator-based® Connections
Creator-based® Connections A few years ago, I rolled my ankle the week before Christmas. I rolled it so hard I thought I may have broken it, but it only hurt like it was broken. However, it would not bear any weight without excruciating (and no, I am not being...
Creator-based® Culmination
As Americans, we are well known as doers, constantly seeking, striving, and doing more. We strive to get more, be more, and arrive at more. We push forward to our self-appointed ultimate life culmination. Often we are disappointed in our culminating “dream...
Creator-based® Celebrations
Creator-based® CelebrationsJune marks the halfway point of the year. It's almost Independence Day. Remember those New Year's goals and resolutions? Celebrating Summer Solstice and all the goodness of the growing season might make us too busy to consider and even...