Creator-based® Choices

You can choose- always. It was a rough morning.  This is what I heard as I listened to my inner dialogue I woke up tired. Complained. There was a glitch with the bills. Worried. My schedule changed unexpectedly. Felt taken for granted. More work piled up. Felt a lack...

Creator-based® Rest

Got sleep worries? Click here and Take our Sleep Quiz! What I learned in our Women’s Meeting Astounded Me! Last Sunday, I was in the back row of about 50 women (yes, I can be that girl in the back row), and we were playing a game of Cahoots to get to know one...

Creation! Creator-based® Coaching is Born

Creation is a beautiful thing. Hey friend, Let’s talk Creation.  Paul taught the Philippians, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.”  That’s a bold declaration of the faith that Paul had in his omnipotent Creator.  Faith is the power that creates...