by Beth | Jun 12, 2023 | compassion, Creator-based®, Hope, self-coaching
I have been carrying around some unwanted extra weight, and it’s disturbing my peace of mind. (Actually, the stories I am creating about it are giving me trouble.) Along with that, I’ve been working with a couple of health issues that I would dearly love to be...
by Beth | Jun 5, 2023 | compassion, Creator-based®, Hope, life cycles, relationships
I have spent the last several days in a funk. You know, the kind where everything feels off, and you want to pick a fight with someone? Yeah, it’s not been fun for me or for anyone I live with. This morning as I was visiting with my Creator and asking...
by Beth | May 22, 2023 | compassion, Creator-based®, family, Hope, relationships, self-coaching
May is listening month, and each week, we examine another way to be better listeners. This week seems really easy. Sometimes it’s enough to simply show up. Show up. Be there. Look them in the eye. Get curious. Focus. Don’t worry; it’s not about you. It’s...
by Beth | May 8, 2023 | Creator-based®, Hope, life cycles, mistakes, regrets, kintsugi, relationships, self-coaching
Today is a new day,and I get to do anything I want to with it. Today is a new day- right? It’s the fresh beginning of a new week. A Gift. But do I really get to do anything I want with it? There a nagging objection there. I mean, I have appointments and commitments...
by Beth | Mar 13, 2023 | Creator-based®, Hope
Hiya friend, I heard that you might be in need of uplift or inspiration and that you’ve been running a little low on hope. Are one too many hard things going on in your life right now? I have good news! Disappointment is finite. It ends! That makes me smile just...