The Power and Promise of Feeling Blessed; a Practice, not a Permanent.

This October, we are talking about #blessed. On good days, this is delightful… other days, I want to burn the hashtag. However, in our 50/50 way, I’m feeling all the feels and working on it. When you actively seek out the experience of feeling blessed, you are creating a distinct energy. That energy and emotion, also known as gratitude, is powerful and activating. It turns on other energies in a domino effect. Abundance will soon follow. Gratitude is not just a feeling, it’s a transformation. It invites the vibration of light, a feeling you can almost immediately sense. Light and Truth are kindred sisters; when you meet them, life looks and feels better. Their close cousin, Hope, is always within reach, ready to guide you through the journey of transformation. I’ve been around for a while now (not as long as I plan to be) and have experienced both joy and sorrow. It is said that the depth of our joy directly correlates to the depth of pain we have experienced previously. It seems pain carves more space out of our hearts for joy. There’s that 50/50 principle again! One thing I know for sure, our true constant in life is change. With change come all the emotions. It’s essential to experience all the emotions. In this way we learn and grow and become our best selves. Just like there are no bad parts of ourselves, there are no “bad” emotions. There are simply emotions we like to feel more than others. Locked in our bodies, our feelings resonate and create our life perception. We can embrace the promise and power of embracing them all as we continue with our daily practice. So, what does that practice look like this week? As always, it begins with your Creator. When we begin the day, every day, relationship building and checking in with our Creator, we become grounded and centered. From that place, we, too are ready to create our day. Here’s an idea- When an uncomfortable emotion comes up, notice where you feel it in your body. Take a deep breath, and instead of trying to run from it or push it down, accept it. Sit with it. Emotional energies need to pass through you, and will do that in 25 – 90 seconds if you allow them.
Try it. This week, when you feel a strong emotion, take a deep breath and accept that vibration, emotion/feeling. Feel it in your body. Name it. Count how long it takes to ease up. Even when I was deep in grief a few years ago, my intense emotions lasted no longer than 25 seconds. In powerfully charged situations, like grief or shock, emotions roll in like waves of the sea or the intense, muscular contractions of childbirth. They gradually intensify, peak, and then subside, pausing before the next wave. It’s predictable. I find that pattern comforting. You simply have to let go and ride the wave. Ride this week’s emotional energy wave, and let us know what happens. You’ll be glad you did!

Come, create peace, confidence, and hope, the Creator-based® Way.
Are you a dedicated woman of faith who sometimes feels she’s just not good enough? We can help in a big way! We have a five-level membership program so you can have as much or as little as you want and need. Each level includes all the perks of the levels under it.
Would you like to simply feel better, have a safe space to meet, and a place to learn and progress? Join us for Coach n Clear. (this level includes access to the 50/50 Girl Club)
Do you have a deeper interest in the Creator-based® Way and want to work on specific issues? Join our Guided Mastermind. (this level also includes the 50/50 Girl Club and unlimited access to Coach n Clear sessions)
Would you like to do a deep dive into our Creator-based Library and enjoy all the benefits of Coach n Clear and Mastermind AND have all the tools from our amazing Learning Center? Subscribe to our All Access Pass.
Would you like to become a Creator-based® Coach and change the world? Contact me here for more information and an application: This prestigious 18-month program begins in January of 2025.
Did you know?
We are forming guided mastermind groups for the winter quarter. The people who join will be matched into groups that are similar in 3 ways. Your group members will have a similar challenge to you, a similar goal and similar circumstances. Sessions are held with two coaches twice a month, at a time that is convenient for your group.
Our goal in Creator-based® Coaching is to train and give you the tools, while you build relationships within your mastermind that help you as a group to outgrow your coach. You can continue as a group of friends helping and supporting one another.
Interested? Check it out here:
Click the image below for a 30 day free trial of the 50/50 girl club
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