
Creator-based® Commotion

Creator-based® Commotion Does it feel like our whole world is in commotion right now?  There are so many things changing and happening at once!  At my house, it’s family coming and going, job and relationship changes, and then there are Christmas preparations,...

Creator-based® Commonalities

Family & Relationships: ‘Peace in Diversity’  Creator-based® Commonalities When our children are born, we imagine great things for them.  As they grow in our love and security, we give our all, and our expectations grow as well.  As the kids grow to adulthood,...

Life Journeys: the Creator-based® Decathlon

Life journeys, the Creator-Based® Decathalon   Life can feel like a long and arduous journey, a decathlon.  Life journeys are different for everyone.  I am still waiting to see a Hallmark Movie Life come to reality, yet many of us still have that expectation.  ...

Creator-based® Circumstances

I am excited to share our Family & Relationships: ‘Peace in Diversity' Series with you this Holiday Season. Over the next five weeks, we will explore the peace that comes from understanding that ‘different is not deficient’ and applying that principle to families...

Creator-based® Coherence

Isabel Owen said, "There is a sweet spot between working hard and finding the path of least resistance. That sweet spot is the unforced rhythm of grace." I know that spot- it's the quiet state of creative flow. I feel calm, confident, and peacefully productive. It...

Creator-based® Characteristics

Creator-based® Characteristics In the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence,  our Founding Fathers asserted that we are “endowed by our Creator  with certain unalienable Rights, and among these are  Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” I love the phrase...