by Beth | Sep 9, 2024 | Creator-based®, family, Hope, life cycles, self-coaching
Just before a recent new moon, we had a very, very, very dark night. You know the kind. It’s inky and unusually black when you turn out the lights. It can even be dark enough to give one the heeby jeebies. Creepy dark! This particular night, or should I say early...
by Beth | Aug 5, 2024 | compassion, Creator-based®, family, regrets, relationships, self-coaching
It's Monday! Let's get Inspired! Do you have an Olympic emotion plan? Learn how in today’s podcast! Watching our Olympians win gold (or not) has been inspiring and thought-provoking. The emotional roller coaster and dedication to excellence we’ve...
by Beth | Jun 3, 2024 | Creator-based®, differences, life cycles, relationships, self-coaching
Are You a Woman Without? You may be familiar with the Bible story told of a poor widow bringing her offering to the temple. It was such a small amount, a mite. It was not even enough to buy her bread and cheese for a single meal. Would it really make any difference?...
by Beth | May 27, 2024 | Creator-based®, Hope, self-coaching
You can choose- always. It was a rough morning. This is what I heard as I listened to my inner dialogue I woke up tired. Complained. There was a glitch with the bills. Worried. My schedule changed unexpectedly. Felt taken for granted. More work piled up. Felt a lack...
by Beth | May 2, 2024 | Creator-based®, self-coaching
It’s a brand new day and I get to do anything I want with it! It’s a brand new day and I get to do anything I want with it. Today is a new day- right? It’s the fresh beginning of a new week. A Gift. But do I really get to do anything I want with it? There a a...
by Beth | Apr 8, 2024 | compassion, Creator-based®, Hope, self-coaching
Chaos to Confidence It has taken me a long time to recognize that I was constantly looking outside myself or comparing myself with peers to discover the person that I “should” be. I grew up feeling a lot of shame. Not belonging and not feeling like I fit in, I...