
Your Creator-based® Corner

Hiya friend, I heard that you might be in need of uplift or inspiration and that you’ve been running a little low on hope.   Are one too many hard things going on in your life right now?  I have good news! Disappointment is finite.   It ends!  That makes me smile just...

Creator-based® Capacity

Creator-based® Capacity   It’s hot and approaching August, summer’s “dog days.” How are you feeling? Like your tank is filled up and ready for fall? Maybe a little irritated with kids or the heat?   Do you feel like you might need to increase the capacity of your tank...

Creator-based® Connections

 Creator-based® Connections      A few years ago, I rolled my ankle the week before Christmas.  I rolled it so hard I thought I may have broken it, but it only hurt like it was broken.  However, it would not bear any weight without excruciating (and no, I am not being...