by Beth | Aug 28, 2023 | Creator-based®
Passion, Selfishness & Creating Happiness. Passion and intention involve focus. Consider: what would happen if you focused on the outcome you want, instead of the scary experience you worry about? As a child, I was constantly being told I was selfish. To be...
by Beth | Aug 21, 2023 | Creator-based®, relationships
How do you handle difficult people? Meet Max, our 6-month-old ‘adolescent” puppy. He’s a good boy, but only if he knows that he has boundaries. Leave him alone in the room, and he will take apart the laundry hamper, jump onto the couch, and wreak general havoc. Did...
by Beth | Aug 14, 2023 | Creator-based®, self-coaching
Lessons I learned that you can have for free. This past week I had the opportunity to experience illness. You know- fever, body aches, chills & exhaustion- the works. The Big Daddy. It’s been almost ten years, but each time this happens, I have a new learning...
by Beth | Aug 7, 2023 | Creator-based®, Hope, life cycles, self-coaching
The Winds of Change are Coming… It’s August! And the winds of change have begun to blow. It’s back-to-school season, and whether you have kids in school or were once a school kid, we all feel it. Change is coming; football season and the holidays are right...
by Beth | Jul 31, 2023 | compassion, Creator-based®, family, Hope, life cycles, relationships, self-coaching
Cultivate your ‘Mule Mind’. Living in the country, our family has had their share of experience with horses, mules, and other animals. The horses are beautiful, stately, noble, and run like the wind. The mules, not so much, but they get things done....
by Beth | Jul 24, 2023 | compassion, Creator-based®, Hope, mistakes, relationships, self-coaching
See Life on its Own Terms, or Not. I know you. If you’re reading this, you welcome challenges- even in the summertime. Thanks for all the positive feedback. I love to hear from readers! Troubles can feel big, but often, overcoming adversity is done by small tweaks...