by Beth | Dec 25, 2023 | compassion, Creator-based®, Hope, mistakes, regrets, kintsugi, regrets
I see your goodness and value. Merry Christmas! This is traditionally a day of giving gifts and time with loved ones. You are our loved ones. I know; you roll your eyes and say in skepticism and disbelief, “You don’t even know me.” But I do. If you are reading this...
by Beth | Dec 4, 2023 | compassion, Creator-based®, Hope, self-coaching
Working with the ECHOes of Christmas Past Happy Holidays! This month, we are reading ‘Marley’ in our weekly TreVega Book Club. Marley is the prequel for Ebenezer Scrooge’s guide through the “Echo” of his Christmases Past. Click here to join us on the 50/50 Girl Club...
by Beth | Oct 23, 2023 | compassion, Creator-based®, family, Hope, life cycles, relationships, self-coaching
Creator-based® Cognition, what? Creator-based® Cognition, really? Really, my friend. Cognition is simply a fancy word for thinking, and in the Creator-Based® Way, it’s how we shape our understanding of the world. Many factors influence our thinking, from...
by Beth | Oct 16, 2023 | compassion, compassion, Creator-based®, family, Hope, relationships
I often feel lonely. What do I do? When I was younger, I was often lonely. There weren’t kids in the neighborhood my age, and I was, by nature, introverted and a little bit shy. In 5th grade, though, I did have a best friend, Dawn Romanowski, a good soul with a...
by Beth | Sep 11, 2023 | compassion, Creator-based®, family, Hope, self-coaching
What is ‘Right Remembering?’ What is ‘right remembering?’ Seeing things as they really are and really will be. But how and why? It’s a somber day of remembrance for many of us, Patriot Day, and a day of courage. So many things changed on September...
by Beth | Aug 7, 2023 | Creator-based®, Hope, life cycles, self-coaching
The Winds of Change are Coming… It’s August! And the winds of change have begun to blow. It’s back-to-school season, and whether you have kids in school or were once a school kid, we all feel it. Change is coming; football season and the holidays are right...