by Beth | Nov 6, 2023 | compassion, Uncategorized
What is compassion really? Compassion is the C in CMH Coaching. It is vital to a happy, satisfying life. Compassion is treating someone with kindness and understanding. It is being a good friend. Compassion is nurturing. Listening. Seeking first to understand....
by Beth | Oct 16, 2023 | compassion, compassion, Creator-based®, family, Hope, relationships
I often feel lonely. What do I do? When I was younger, I was often lonely. There weren’t kids in the neighborhood my age, and I was, by nature, introverted and a little bit shy. In 5th grade, though, I did have a best friend, Dawn Romanowski, a good soul with a...
by Beth | Jul 24, 2023 | compassion, Creator-based®, Hope, mistakes, relationships, self-coaching
See Life on its Own Terms, or Not. I know you. If you’re reading this, you welcome challenges- even in the summertime. Thanks for all the positive feedback. I love to hear from readers! Troubles can feel big, but often, overcoming adversity is done by small tweaks...
by Beth | Jul 3, 2023 | compassion, Creator-based®, self-coaching
I woke up with the Monday Blahs, feeling a little under the weather and really not in the mood to work. I bumbled through my morning routine, doing it but feeling put upon, directionless and unmotivated. Avoiding my shower &, self-care, and blowing off my plan for...
by Beth | Jun 26, 2023 | compassion, compassion, Creator-based®, Hope, life cycles, self-coaching
Many of us are not great at self-care- it makes sense to us to fix the toilet that runs incessantly, repair the oil leak in the van, or wash the dishes at least once a week. However, the concept of taking time to tend to our own needs can feel selfish. I mean, so many...
by Beth | Jun 19, 2023 | compassion, Creator-based®, Hope, life cycles, relationships, self-coaching
Yeah, I know that’s not a pelican, not a canary, but pretend with me, k? Today we will talk about emotions, their purpose, recognizing & handling them, and how to pick the right inner voice to listen to….. We have so many! Newsflash! As a human...