5 Key Happiness & Healing Factors….

Tomorrow is voting day in the United States, and it has been a hotly contested race full of pepper and vinegar.
I wanna feel better. How about you? I will be up early tomorrow to join my neighbors in voting for my candidate of choice, get my sticker, and return home. I am grateful that this election season is over. Secondly, I will work on being happy with the result. Did you know that people who report their lives are generally happy live 35% longer than those who report unhappiness? Feelings and emotions matter.
In an effort to establish a healthier, happier life for all, today we will share five principles of a happy life proven and recorded in a landmark longevity & healing study with Kelly A. Turner. She found ten key happiness & healing factors. We will do five this week and five next. You can read more about it in Kelly’s book ‘Radical Hope.’ It’s exceptional.
5 of the 10 Key Happiness & Healing factors:
1. Exercise– A long, that could be 10 minutes or an hour and a half, comfortable walk daily raises happy hormone levels, increases lung power, and builds bone strength. In general, it’s good for the soul- your body, mind, and spirit. If you’re struggling with a life issue, try talking with your Creator as you walk. You will be amazed at the insight and relief you experience. You might want a notepad or phone handy to record what you learn. Writing makes it real.
2. Spiritual Connections– see above. But also, consider the relationships you have with those you love. Can you create spiritual connections with them? Moms often know when something’s not right with their children, even if that child is miles away. How? Spiritual connection. It happens with everyone you love. Love more. Connect more. Study with us, and we can show you how.
3. Empowering Yourself – You are the creator of your life experience. You have within you light and truth, all of the power you need to grow and create. Claim the power in your life, and with your Creator, build boundaries that bless. If it’s not a heck yes, it’s a heck no, remember? You can, and you’ll be glad you did. Study out your decision and follow your heart. Create a firm boundary and respect yourself enough to keep it.
4. Increasing Positive Emotions- We talked about this a few weeks ago. Practice Positivity daily. Set a time for 5-10 minutes and sit comfortably. Recall happy, joyous memories to your mind and create the happiness your soul craves. I know it’s impossible always to feel happy- this is a 50/50 life, after all, but if you practice 5 minutes of good, happy feelings, your brain will create more of that going forward. It is a simple way to create positive neural pathways that will pay off and bring you greater happiness for the rest of your life.
5. Following Your Intuition- You are divinely created after our Eternal Creator. As such, you can grow and become much more than you are today. Listening to your inner, centered self, to your gut feelings, as you will, will strengthen that intuition with which you have been gifted. Look for the things that bring you light and hope in your life. Follow them. Create more of them. There is always another way to look at things so they look better. Promise. Practice Positivity and more clearly recognize truth.
Our November theme is Compassion. This month, we are reading Kristen Neff’s Self Compassion and Lynn Twist’s The Soul of Money. Abundance is a vital component of compassion. Yes, you read that right. Abundance is a vital component of compassion. Think about that this week, and I will say more about compassion, abundance, and the remaining 5 Happiness Traits next Monday.
But before that….. THIS SATURDAY, November 9th, is the My One Word Workshop! Get a jump on 2025. Set yourself up for success by attending this powerful class on Saturday morning at 9 CST. You will be so glad you did! Register using any of the buttons in this email. Seriously- we want you to be there. Come!
‘Til next week, when we will reveal the last five components of happiness & healing and speak more on the role of compassion in a happy life.
Remember to join us on Saturday!
All my love,
CMH Coaching for Life
Did you know?
We are forming guided mastermind groups for the winter quarter. The people who join will be matched into groups that are similar in 3 ways. Your group members will have a similar challenge to you, a similar goal and similar circumstances. Sessions are held with two coaches twice a month, at a time that is convenient for your group.
Our goal in Creator-based® Coaching is to train and give you the tools, while you build relationships within your mastermind that help you as a group to outgrow your coach. You can continue as a group of friends helping and supporting one another.
Interested? Check it out here: CMHCoaching.com/signup
Click the image below for a 30 day free trial of the 50/50 girl club
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