The one thought that almost brought me down…

Imagine a person moving through life with subtle, strong qualities that emanate from deep within their very being. You feel more confident, calm, clear, courageous, creative, and even curious when you are near them. You love being around that person. That’s you, friend. You are that person. (No eye rolling or arguing allowed) Within you- are all of those qualities. Now, they are seldom all present at once, but they are definitely in there. As you continue to gently press forward in hope and faith, your C’s become more and more pronounced. You find yourself more appreciative and loving. Soon, the 7th C of your centered self is more and more present. That C is Compassion. Y’all know it’s less than 50 days until tax day, right? Boy, I do! Oh. My.Gosh! Adrenaline rush! Filing taxes has long been a stressful event for me. It’s one of those thoughts I continue to work on. This year, we had flu and a late start on taxes, and now I feel under the gun. Less than 50 days! And so much to do! Ya see, between the wedding, the renovation, and just generally enjoying life, my financial transactions were recorded but not categorized as they needed to be. It’s been a busy year, and I had all those things to reconcile. Once I began recovery from the flu, I decided that couch time would be perfect to go through all the transactions and put things in order. (Spoiler alert: Don’t do hard things in recovery- lesson learned.) Come with me on my transaction journey. My living room is full of wadded-up blankets; there are tissues and leftover food plates on the coffee table. The TV has an inane comedy quietly playing in the background. My laptop is ready to go. I open it and begin. The thought comes, “You really need to be better at this.” As I continued figuring out what I paid for and why, the thought escalated, “You’re inept in business.” Soon, all bets were off, and my inner critic had taken the wheel and was engaging in a full tirade against my personal worth and ability. Ouch! Fortunately, there is mercy within my world. I hope you find it in yours as well. My centered self gently offered a tiny glimmer of compassion. A candlelight, but light none the less. It was enough light to recognize what was happening in that tirade of internal darkness. I fanned that little light as best I could. Quietly, and with love, I began. “Sweetie- you are doing your very best. Remember B- is good enough.” “You have power within you to accomplish your purpose.” “You’re good at this.” “You are important and loved.” “You are doing God’s work. It’s just taxes.” “Ouch! This hurts. Let’s take care of you.” My little candlelight of compassion began to swell with each centered statement, extending out to that irate inner critic. Soon, I was giggling at myself. What a drama queen! Here’s what I learned. Whether your struggle is taxes, relationships, pain, grief, or purpose, the same truth applies… It’s only a thought, and a thought can be changed. Light overcomes darkness every time. Whether we see it or not, we are loved and supported on our journey. It just is. God has blessed us with many superpowers. Among them is loving self-compassion. Self coaching works! Loving self-compassion is an incredible superpower. Try fanning that little flame for yourself! All my love, Beth An Invitation to Go Deeper Sweet friend, if this message resonated with you—if you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by your thoughts, unsure of your next steps, or simply need a little more self-compassion—you are not alone. What if you had a safe, supportive space to untangle those thoughts, strengthen your confidence, and learn simple but powerful tools to move forward with clarity? That’s exactly what we do in Coach n Clear. Each week, we come together as a group of like-minded women to: – Gain clarity on what’s holding us back – Learn practical coaching tools to shift our thoughts and habits – Experience breakthroughs in a supportive, uplifting space – Reconnect with our strength, purpose, and peace We meet Tuesdays and Thursdays at 2 PM CST, so you can choose the best day. You can now join for just $99 a month (usually $249). That’s 4-10 coaching sessions a month for only $99! Let’s clear the clutter, calm the noise, and create the life you truly want. Join us inside Coach n Clear! Click here to learn more and grab your spot at this special rate. Questions? Just email us. |

Come, create peace, confidence, and hope, the Creator-based® Way.
Are you a dedicated woman of faith who sometimes feels she’s just not good enough? We can help in a big way! We have a five-level membership program so you can have as much or as little as you want and need. Each level includes all the perks of the levels under it.
Would you like to simply feel better, have a safe space to meet, and a place to learn and progress? Join us for Coach n Clear. (this level includes access to the 50/50 Girl Club)
Do you have a deeper interest in the Creator-based® Way and want to work on specific issues? Join our Guided Mastermind. (this level also includes the 50/50 Girl Club and unlimited access to Coach n Clear sessions)
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Would you like to become a Creator-based® Coach and change the world? Contact me here for more information and an application: This prestigious 18-month program begins in June of 2025.
Did you know?
We are forming guided mastermind groups for the winter quarter. The people who join will be matched into groups that are similar in 3 ways. Your group members will have a similar challenge to you, a similar goal and similar circumstances. Sessions are held with two coaches twice a month, at a time that is convenient for your group.
Our goal in Creator-based® Coaching is to train and give you the tools, while you build relationships within your mastermind that help you as a group to outgrow your coach. You can continue as a group of friends helping and supporting one another.
Interested? Check it out here:
Click the image below for a 30 day free trial of the 50/50 girl club
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