
Creator-based® Life

I love this calm, peaceful grove. I imagine birds singing softly, a gentle breeze wafting through the trees and hope abounding in my heart as I lazily wander through...... I have all the time I need. My heart feels so full and content! Pink petals fall ever so slowly,...

Creator-based® Compassion

Happy Monday Beth, Ready for some Monday Morning Inspiration?    A dear friend brought me profound food for thought on the subject of compassion this week. You see, compassion has always been a guilt provoking word for me. I just don’t feel compassionate.     I’m more...

Creator-based® Courage

Did you get an unexpected message from me last week? It was our first Monday Morning Inspiration, and silly me, I forgot to title it! I bet you wondered what I was doing. Welcome to our first OFFICIAL Monday Morning Inspiration! You can expect to hear from your...

Creator-based® Confidence

She's really not very nice...But ya know that mean girl inside your head?She says you're doing it wrong. She says you're not good enough. She says there's not enough time. Seriously, what's up with that? Is she just there to undermine your confidence and make you feel...

Because we’re here to help.

My Mom and her sister, pictured above with my Dad, were both nurses. Their mom was a nurse too. I come from a line of women who cared for the health of others. When we had a problem with any facet of our health, mental, spiritual or physical, we simply called “Mom”....

Perfectly Whole

Morning thoughts on life, loveand everything in between.   Matthew  14:36 called out to me this morning in the soft  quiet of the dawn.  Having endured a tumultuous night on the Sea of Galilee, the Savior and His disciples come to the land of...