by Beth | Jan 30, 2023 | Creator-based®, family, relationships, talents, tendency
February is story month on the podcast. All month long, Jaycine will be interviewing and telling the story of venerable women. Do you know what a venerable woman is? A venerable woman is wise, worthy of respect, and has been around long enough to know stuff. She is...
by Beth | Jan 23, 2023 | Creator-based®, self-coaching, tendency
Inspired Self-care, the Creatorbased® Way: make it easier on yourself. One way to utilize the principle of Do less, Expect more is to partner with other trusted authorities. One of my trusted authorities is Gretchen Reuben. I have followed her Podcast ‘Happier’...
by Beth | Jan 16, 2023 | Creator-based®
I.N.S.P.I.R.E.D. Self-care, the Creator-based® Way Last month we talked about ‘Inspired Goals,’ or goals that feel immediate, narrow, strong, precise, inspired, experienced, and declared. This month we continue by talking about self-care in that same inspired way. ...
by Beth | Jan 9, 2023 | Creator-based®, relationships, self-coaching
What does it mean to Do Less, Expect More? I mean, who doesn’t want more for less? The concept of Do Less, Expect More is inviting, yet it feels like a backward idea. We have long cultivated a belief that the harder we work, the more we get. That can be true. ...
by Beth | Jan 2, 2023 | Creator-based®, life cycles, mistakes, mistakes, regrets, kintsugi, mistakes, regrets, kintsugi, regrets, relationships, self-coaching
What is the Creator-based® Way? What does it mean for you? This past Christmas weekend, though glorious, was a roller coaster of emotions. All weekend long, I was given the choice to act and think as a victim or a creator. You were too. Maybe you missed loved ones...
by Beth | Dec 26, 2022 | chutzbah, Creator-based®, family, life cycles, mistakes, regrets, self-coaching
Creator-based® Challenge 2022 Oh my gosh! There are so many New Year advertisements out there promising weight loss, success, and a whole new you if you follow their program. I’m kind of over it. Are you? No? I’m so glad because I have an idea to offer that has...