Creator-based® Rest
What I learned in our Women's Meeting Astounded Me! Last Sunday, I was in the back row of about 50 women (yes, I can be that girl in the back row), and we were playing a game of Cahoots to get to know one another. There were questions about your favorite food,...
Creator-based® Signatures
What does your signature say about you? I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day yesterday. Women are so important to the world! When I was a little girl, my Mom made my school lunches. I had an Archie Comic Book lunch box- Veronica was my favorite. All the little kids...
It’s a brand new day, and I can do anything I want with it!
It's a brand new day and I get to do anything I want with it! It’s a brand new day and I get to do anything I want with it. Today is a new day- right? It’s the fresh beginning of a new week. A Gift. But do I really get to do anything I want with it? There a a...
I feel wimpy this morning, what can I do?
Claim your power. Adaptive perfectionism is consciously or unconsciously harnessing the power of perfectionism to help you heal. It's like harnessing your horse. With the harness, you put boundaries on the horse's power, driving all that power into something great. ...
Creation! Creator-based® Coaching is Born
Creation is a beautiful thing. Hey friend, Let’s talk Creation. Paul taught the Philippians, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.” That’s a bold declaration of the faith that Paul had in his omnipotent Creator. Faith is the power that creates...
Nervous Backseat Driver or Shotgun Shooter- Who’s Driving the Bus?
Victim or Creator; Who's in charge here? An argument with my partner, a stubbed toe, a stain on my favorite shirt before an important meeting; circumstances can provoke a dive from the role of Creator to Victim in a heartbeat. As a victim in my life, things...
Creating Confidence from Chaos- Yes, you can.
Chaos to Confidence It has taken me a long time to recognize that I was constantly looking outside myself or comparing myself with peers to discover the person that I “should” be. I grew up feeling a lot of shame. Not belonging and not feeling like I fit in, I...
“Are you a perfectionist?”
Are you a Perfectionist? “Perfect”, in the tradition of the book. Creator-based® Coaching: Creating Your One Awesome, Amazing, Perfect Life, this month’s theme is Perfect, as in whole and complete, I ask, “Are you a perfectionist?” Synonyms for perfectionist could...
Creating a great Life with Grit, Grace and Guts
Grit, Grace and Guts... This morning, I had the great fortune of an early phone call with two other women of faith. I sat in my garden just at sunrise, hearing the birds' morning song and almost seeing the leaves opening on our apple tree. A fluorescent cardinal was...
What makes you really mad? It says a lot about you.
Grit or Grace? The basic characteristics of grit are determination, persistence, resilience, excellence instead of perfection, and compassion. We’ve talked a little about determination Remember, standing up to that thing in your life that is so hard that it feels...