
Creator-based® Connections

 Creator-based® Connections      A few years ago, I rolled my ankle the week before Christmas.  I rolled it so hard I thought I may have broken it, but it only hurt like it was broken.  However, it would not bear any weight without excruciating (and no, I am not being...

Your Creator-based® Critic

I know you are probably very familiar with your Creator-based® Critic. You have created him or her.  Everybody has one.   She can be rude, scary, and loud.   She is an internal moderator,  the voice that points out your less than stellar performance, or the flaws in...

Creator-based® Choice; Choose Love

It has been said that Life is the C between the B and the D.  B is birth, D is death, and C is the choices you make that create your life.  It’s what you do in the middle.    What will you choose and create with your C?   This week, I...

Creator-based® Compassion

Happy Monday Beth, Ready for some Monday Morning Inspiration?    A dear friend brought me profound food for thought on the subject of compassion this week. You see, compassion has always been a guilt provoking word for me. I just don’t feel compassionate.     I’m more...