
How to Create the Perfect Day, for reals!

The Perfect Start to Your Day           Years ago, my favorite movie was Hillary Duff in ‘The Perfect Man’.  A cute rom-com, it had beautiful actors, beautiful scenery, and beautiful music.  When I was sad or stressed or overloaded, I could go to...

Creator-based® Rest

Got sleep worries? Click here and Take our Sleep Quiz! What I learned in our Women’s Meeting Astounded Me! Last Sunday, I was in the back row of about 50 women (yes, I can be that girl in the back row), and we were playing a game of Cahoots to get to know one...

A Creator-based® View

Take the Long View It has been said that where God closes a door, he opens a window.  However, I prefer the bigger, better imagery of “Where God closes a window, He opens a door.”  That door opening is sometimes 3-4 times larger than the window, and goodness, with the...