by Beth | Mar 6, 2023 | Creator-based®, mistakes, regrets, self-coaching
This is the last Grit and Grace Podcast for the month. It’s with Mandi, an amazing model for hope! Perfect for beginning March, Hope Month. As our boys were growing up, our family was actively involved in the Boy Scouts of America. Watching our sons...
by Beth | Jan 2, 2023 | Creator-based®, life cycles, mistakes, mistakes, regrets, kintsugi, mistakes, regrets, kintsugi, regrets, relationships, self-coaching
What is the Creator-based® Way? What does it mean for you? This past Christmas weekend, though glorious, was a roller coaster of emotions. All weekend long, I was given the choice to act and think as a victim or a creator. You were too. Maybe you missed loved ones...
by Beth | Dec 26, 2022 | chutzbah, Creator-based®, family, life cycles, mistakes, regrets, self-coaching
Creator-based® Challenge 2022 Oh my gosh! There are so many New Year advertisements out there promising weight loss, success, and a whole new you if you follow their program. I’m kind of over it. Are you? No? I’m so glad because I have an idea to offer that has...
by Beth | Nov 7, 2022 | chutzbah, compassion, Creator-based®, life cycles, mistakes, regrets, kintsugi, regrets, self-coaching
Creator-based® Commentary Do you have a running commentary in your head? Does it sound somewhat like a sportscaster that lets “them” know exactly what your moves are, where you succeed, and gloriously emphasizes your bloopers and blunders? Yeah, me too. My running...