by Beth | Oct 3, 2022 | compassion, compassion, Creator-based®, life cycles, self-coaching
Don’t you just love the word cacophony It’s one of those words that means just what it sounds like. Cacophony means a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds. This past week, after all the fun of YouWeek, my brain would not settle down.There truly was cacophony in my...
by Beth | Sep 5, 2022 | chutzbah, Creator-based®, life cycles
It’s Labor Day, a day created by the U.S. government to celebrate all those who labor in the cause of building and creating in our country. Originally founded by labor unions in the late 1800s, Labor Day was designed to recognize the American Worker. Pretty much,...
by Beth | Aug 15, 2022 | Creator-based®, life cycles
Heroes get muddy. Here is one of the muddy moments in my own Hero Story. Years ago, we committed to support my parents in their winding up years. When they could no longer live independently, we drove out west, packed them all up, hauled it all to our house, and...
by Beth | Nov 8, 2021 | life cycles
It’s ‘Next Chapter November’ this month! November is one of my favorite months. It sets the stage for our holidays and the shiny, fresh chapters that will begin our upcoming, new year. The question is “What will your next life chapter be titled?” What can...