
I feel wimpy this morning, what can I do?

Claim your power. Adaptive perfectionism is consciously or unconsciously harnessing the power of perfectionism to help you heal. It’s like harnessing your horse. With the harness, you put boundaries on the horse’s power, driving all that power into...

Creation! Creator-based® Coaching is Born

Creation is a beautiful thing. Hey friend, Let’s talk Creation.  Paul taught the Philippians, “I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.”  That’s a bold declaration of the faith that Paul had in his omnipotent Creator.  Faith is the power that creates...

“Are you a perfectionist?”

Are you a Perfectionist? “Perfect”,  in the tradition of the book. Creator-based® Coaching: Creating Your One Awesome, Amazing, Perfect Life, this month’s theme is Perfect, as in whole and complete, I ask,  “Are you a perfectionist?” Synonyms for perfectionist could...