
Creator-based® Cheer

Why is it some of us give a shout of encouragement, praise or joy that the holidays are coming, and others groan in expectation of more weight on their shoulders, (hips and thighs) and more demands on their overstretched time-budget? Which one are you?  Maybe a mix,...

Creator-based® Circles

Have you ever wondered about the circles in your life? We have circles of friends, we have circles of behavior, we have learning circles and health circles.  Sometimes we think of them as cycles, but they’re really more than that, because they are largely closed...

Creator-based® Chapters

It’s ‘Next Chapter November’ this month!    November is one of my favorite months. It sets the stage for our holidays and the shiny, fresh chapters that will begin our upcoming, new year.   The question is “What will your next life chapter be titled?”   What can...

Creator-based® Conversation

Creator-based® Conversations Yeah, it’s been on my mind lately, this conversation we keep hearing in our heads. You’re not perfect enough- your shiny paper life is wrinkled. You’re not doing enough – there’s more stuff to do than time to do it. They’re doing it...

Creator-based® Connectors

 Creator-based® Connectors Do you know a Creator-based® Connector? Connectors go through life as the “lucky ones” who seem to get all the breaks. When you talk with a connector, you realize that even though they look ordinary, they are different;...