by Beth | Jan 3, 2022 | Creator-based®
What would it look like in your life if you were simply content with what you were doing and where you were each day? With an outlook like that, you could move through the world virtually stress-free!. Wow, that sounds wonderful! To me, it sounds like preschool, and...
by Beth | Dec 27, 2021 | Creator-based®
Ahhhhh, the big holiday rush is over. It’s quiet. Time for a lovely cup of tea and time to sit down, rest and ponder. But wait! My busy brain steps in….The New Year is right around the corner, and there are decisions to be made! What will 2022 be like...
by Beth | Dec 20, 2021 | Creator-based®
When I was growing up, I always knew when it was Mom and Dad’s anniversary. Dad would bring home a dozen red roses and Mom would place them in a beautiful, lead crystal vase on top of the TV. There they would abide for two weeks or so. The room was usually dark for...
by Beth | Dec 13, 2021 | Creator-based®
Just as we can create good in our lives, we can also create situations that are really, truly, not so good. Take your very creative, story telling, inner critic. Has she been active lately? The holidays are a time when my critic really gets going. How do you calm...
by Beth | Dec 6, 2021 | Creator-based®, talents
“Talent, it seems is energy waiting to be released in an honest environment in life.” Mark Nepo said that. Our unique capacities and talents reside deep in our core, within our centered self. They may be latent or active, depending on what we are...