
Creator-based® Commitment

Is there anything you feel utterly, completely, and wholly dedicated to in your life?  For me, that is my God, my husband and family, and my practice of helping, teaching, and coaching others. My commitment list also includes creature comforts: avoiding pain, using...

Creator-based® Cisterns

 Creator-based® Cisterns    The iconic Basilica Cistern in Istanbul.     Cisterns are designed to hold water, whether they be as large as the Basilica Cistern which holds almost  75,000 gallons, or as small as the 5 gallon bucket that catches and holds water...

Creator-based® Construction

Great structures require strong foundations and lots of inner support. This is the beginning of our pavilion at Safe Haven Retreat. It was a hard day’s work to put in this framework with plenty of sore muscles afterward, but we’ve established the inner...

Creator-based® Comparison

Is the avocado jealous of the juicy, bright lemon, or the garlic coveting the avocado’s creaminess? As you actively create your one, awesome, amazing, perfect life, you may occasionally stumble with that thief of joy, comparison.  Comparison is so habitual...

Your Creator-based® Core

When I was a young, newly married ‘adult’ (I was only 18), I would watch my father-in-law eat his apple – core, seeds and all – and wonder, who does that? It was just plain nasty to my citified, juvenile self.  That image has stayed with me all these...