So, we had a wedding last weekend. Seth and Chloe tied the knot. Did you hear Queen’s rendition of “Another One Bites the Dust” blaring through Honey Grove? That was wedding #8 of 9 for us, and I’ve sung it at every one. I am very, very grateful for all who worked so hard to make it a memorable and sacred experience. Truly, we are blessed. (Only one more wedding to go….) Just as quickly as wedding #8 was complete, the seasons turned. My thoughts shifted forward, the weather cooled, and rain came in after a summer of drought. The sunrise is later; the darkness comes earlier. No longer do we languish in 9 pm sunsets. What a stark contrast! I love it, but not everyone does. Just as summer turns into fall, we can choose to accept, enjoy, and even embrace our new season and the new opportunities presented to us. Or not. Change can be very unwelcome. Often, it will feel like our plans have been overruled, agreements canceled, and approval rescinded. That hurts. I learned a new term recently. It’s German in origin. ‘Sturm and Drang’. ‘Sturm and Drang’ express turmoil and turbulent emotion, which quite literally, mean storm and stress in the original language. (I love words that sound like their meaning, known as onomatopoeias.) Sometimes, we need a little ‘sturm and drang’ between seasons. Processing is not always pretty, but it can broaden perception and shift perspective until we are ready to proceed. ‘Practice the pause’ helps: Two mindful breaths in and out of the nose Here’s how: Following the breath into and out of the body, focus on the physical sensation and travel of cool air in and warm air out through the entire breath. Just two breaths of complete, dedicated focus. It works really well if you breathe in to a count of 4 and out to a count of 8, but it’s more important to focus on the physical sensation for this one. As Junior Creators, we can practice an outlook on change that will help us gracefully accept remodeling and reshaping in our lives. Remember: You are the creator of your life experience. You have within you light and truth, all the power needed to grow and progress. Using compassion, mindfulness, and hope, change is a gift. #Blessed. How’s it going with that? All my love, Beth |

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