
Creator-based® Connections

 Creator-based® Connections      A few years ago, I rolled my ankle the week before Christmas.  I rolled it so hard I thought I may have broken it, but it only hurt like it was broken.  However, it would not bear any weight without excruciating (and no, I am not being...

Creator-based® Consults

There is so much joy in consultive camaraderie! Being with a friend or loved one can make a huge difference in your day.  Now that we are coming out of the pandemic, we are seeing more of each other and it’s lovely, but we may be a little rusty at conversation and...

Creator-based® Conversation

Creator-based® Conversations Yeah, it’s been on my mind lately, this conversation we keep hearing in our heads. You’re not perfect enough- your shiny paper life is wrinkled. You’re not doing enough – there’s more stuff to do than time to do it. They’re doing it...

Creator-based® Compassion

Happy Monday Beth, Ready for some Monday Morning Inspiration?    A dear friend brought me profound food for thought on the subject of compassion this week. You see, compassion has always been a guilt provoking word for me. I just don’t feel compassionate.     I’m more...

Perfectly Whole

Morning thoughts on life, loveand everything in between.   Matthew  14:36 called out to me this morning in the soft  quiet of the dawn.  Having endured a tumultuous night on the Sea of Galilee, the Savior and His disciples come to the land of...