
Your Creator-based® Course

What does the course of a Creator-based Life look like? It looks messy. It has moments of joy. It has moments of sadness and grief. It is angry. It is forgiving. It has moments of delight and clarity. It has moments of confusion. It has seasons of growth. It has...

Creator-based® Chutzpah

Creator-based® Chutzpah When you were a little kid, were you the one on top of the monkey bars, swinging underneath, or sitting in the gravel playing below? Each of us has a unique set of gifts- a disposition if you will. Fast forward some years, and...

Creator-based® Character

Don’t you love that image of the cow?   When we first moved to the country, we bought a milk cow from a local dairy. We named her Elsie- after the Borden Milk cow. Elsie had been retired from the dairy because her milk production was ‘down’, and she came...

Creator-based® Choices

Hi there, Friend! Your Creator-based® year has begun! Last week we talked about how to feel that quiet closeness in decision making. This week I’d like to go a little deeper into it.   How do you decide when you have to make a big choice?   Consider beginning by...

Creator-based® Closeness

As we begin another year, everyone is all a buzz about New Year’s resolutions and goals.  But how do you know if they are the right resolutions for you? Enter Creator-based® Closeness, also known as Spirit-led listening. Some people call creator-based® closeness...