Have you had pain in your life? Have you had pain this week? Today? I think we all have. A stubbed toe, angry words, car accident, failure at work, world and national struggles, so much senseless killing. We all have pain, right?
One of the ways life becomes perfect is in the way we choose to work with pain. Understanding that life is about 50% good and 50% not so good, we need a game plan for what to do in our off times. I don’t need any help knowing what to do in the good times! But what do you do in the off times?
How, in your perfectly 50/50 life, do you work through the off times?
- Faith: Remember that the 50% that is good will return. No matter how dark the night, the sun will always, always come back up at dawn.
- Friends & Family: Connection is essential. Whatever or whomever you call family (Karma, my Great Dane, is a beloved family member for me); as human beings, we are wired for connection. We need each other in both the good times and the bad. That’s why the 50/50 Girl Club is so wonderful. You can have connection there 24/7 and always find a friend, a compassionate shoulder and learn more about taking care of yourself.
- Self-compassion: The more I learn, the more it comes back to love as the answer. Self-compassion is a special kind of love. When you practice self-compassion, you acknowledge your pain, understand deeply that you are not alone, and care for yourself in ways that help you feel better. It may be a cup of tea, a self-hug, or a text to a supportive someone. With self-compassion, we acknowledge we are hurting and take care of ourselves. You are worth the time.
- Harness your pain and feel the purpose behind it. Channel it into something good. This is one of the best things to do when you hurt. Yes, it’s miserable, I know, but please don’t just sit there telling people they should feel bad for you. Take a little of that energy and channel it into something good. What do you love? What do people compliment you on? What are you good at? Share it with the world, even if it’s only a tiny bit. Channeling pain transforms it. Quite often, the pain transforms to love and appreciation, and that comes right back to you. Here comes the 50% Good!
Enjoy your perfect, complete, wholly developed 50/50 life, my friend!
Remember our Free Coach n Clear Class at 7pm, Monday, May 1 on Zoom! Come learn what Coach n Clear is, why it works, and how we do it. We will be doing an actual session so you can experience all the goodness and the love. Have a beautiful 50/50 week!
All my love,
CMH Coaching for Life
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