Creator-based® Life

I love this calm, peaceful grove. I imagine birds singing softly, a gentle breeze wafting through the trees and hope abounding in my heart as I lazily wander through……
I have all the time I need.
My heart feels so full and content!
Pink petals fall ever so slowly, as if they had all the time in the world…..
I am at peace. Contant and Whole. Life is abundant and easy…….
Then I wake up.
A Creator-based® Life
🙂 Beth
Did you know?
We are forming guided mastermind groups for the winter quarter. The people who join will be matched into groups that are similar in 3 ways. Your group members will have a similar challenge to you, a similar goal and similar circumstances. Sessions are held with two coaches twice a month, at a time that is convenient for your group.
Our goal in Creator-based® Coaching is to train and give you the tools, while you build relationships within your mastermind that help you as a group to outgrow your coach. You can continue as a group of friends helping and supporting one another.
Interested? Check it out here: