by Beth | Oct 11, 2021 | Creator-based®
I love this calm, peaceful grove. I imagine birds singing softly, a gentle breeze wafting through the trees and hope abounding in my heart as I lazily wander through…… I have all the time I need. My heart feels so full and content! Pink petals fall ever so...
by Beth | Oct 6, 2021 | compassion, Creator-based®
Happy Monday Beth, Ready for some Monday Morning Inspiration? A dear friend brought me profound food for thought on the subject of compassion this week. You see, compassion has always been a guilt provoking word for me. I just don’t feel compassionate. I’m more...
by Beth | Sep 22, 2021 | Creator-based®
Did you get an unexpected message from me last week? It was our first Monday Morning Inspiration, and silly me, I forgot to title it! I bet you wondered what I was doing. Welcome to our first OFFICIAL Monday Morning Inspiration! You can expect to hear from your...
by Beth | Sep 22, 2021 | Creator-based®
She’s really not very nice… But ya know that mean girl inside your head? She says you’re doing it wrong. She says you’re not good enough. She says there’s not enough time. Seriously, what’s up with that? Is she just there to...
by Beth | Sep 26, 2019 | Creator-based®
Courage, dear one… Have you ever seen the sharp, ironic little quote, “Man plans and God’s laughs.”? It always brings me a wry smile. At first that statement may seem a little cold, but when you dig a bit deeper, it makes more sense. We all have a story we...