
Creator-based® Comparison

Is the avocado jealous of the juicy, bright lemon, or the garlic coveting the avocado’s creaminess? As you actively create your one, awesome, amazing, perfect life, you may occasionally stumble with that thief of joy, comparison.  Comparison is so habitual...

Your Creator-based® Core

When I was a young, newly married ‘adult’ (I was only 18), I would watch my father-in-law eat his apple – core, seeds and all – and wonder, who does that? It was just plain nasty to my citified, juvenile self.  That image has stayed with me all these...

Creator-based® Choice; Choose Love

It has been said that Life is the C between the B and the D.  B is birth, D is death, and C is the choices you make that create your life.  It’s what you do in the middle.    What will you choose and create with your C?   This week, I...

Creator-based® Complete Part 2

We all struggle with a desire to be more than we are.   We see the images in the media and on billboards and unconsciously compare ourselves, inevitably coming up short.   Then we worry- am I good enough? How could I be better?  Why is it so easy for others but not...

Creator-based® Complete

When I was little, there was a phrase going around.    ‘Please be patient with me. God isn’t finished with me yet.   It didn’t make sense to me because, as a child,  I knew everything grew and changed. That was simply life.   As the years passed into adolescence...