Just before a recent new moon, we had a very, very, very dark night. You know the kind. It’s inky and unusually black when you turn out the lights. It can even be dark enough to give one the heeby jeebies. Creepy dark!
This particular night, or should I say early morning, it was 2am, I opened my eyes to the blackness and somehow managed to bump my Apple watch. It was on my nightstand charger. Lighting up, it seemed to illuminate the entire room.
This is the power of illumination on a very dark night.My watch was no brighter than usual, but against the stark, black, moonless morning, its contrast was brilliant.
Such is the power of an Illuminator.
You may know Illuminators. They are the people who seem to have an easier time than most navigating challenges and difficult change. They bring hope and inclusivity, lighting the world around them for others. You wonder how they do it- so many hard things!
Illuminators have a persistent curiosity about the people around them. That curiosity often overrides their judgment of others and brings them peace.
Illuminators have special superpowers. They know how to give their full, undivided attention. For them, attention is not on a dimmer switch. Their attention is either on or off- a direct current between them and their focus. No divided energies for an illuminator. When you are in their focus of attention, it’s like basking in the warmth of a big smile. You feel better about yourself and life feels more possible.
Illuminators are amazing Accompanists. I have accompanied many singers and instrumentalists on the piano and organ. It is a joy to follow and help them be their best. To do that, I need to be mindful of their needs; whether they lead me to slow down, pause, speed up or change volume levels.
Illuminators accompany a friend the same way. They discreetly pay attention to the current need, supporting and adjusting to create the best experience for the person in their limelight. Accompanying a friend is an art form indeed.
Illuminators carry a holistic attitude toward relationships. They recognize the one thing we all have in common. Everyone you meet today will be fighting some kind of challenge. It may be visible or it may be quiet. We are all growing and in a different place in our progression. Illuminators can grant grace for growth.
You can create an Illuminator role for yourself by making a simple choice. You can choose to create a willing, humble experience in supporting those around you. You can practice taking good care of yourself and let that abundance bubble over to others. We just finished a whole summer of self-care. Are you feeling stronger?
Perhaps you are blessed with Illuminators in your life- you know them. You leave their presence thinking, “Wow! I’m pretty great. I didn’t know that about myself,” or “I solved my problem, brilliant!” The best Illuminators don’t even appear to be Illumined. You simply know you love being around them.
Let’s try lighting the world this week. Create an atmosphere of illumination by choosing to create a life of being curious, attentive, generous, or accepting. Just pick something little and practice- a long, productive journey begins with one baby step.
Baby Steps Bob,
You’ve got this!
All my love, Beth

I recently read an amazing book by David Brooks entitled “How to Know a Person”. His words inspired this post. For more insights, I strongly recommend his book!
Go forward and create the life you can’t wait to wake up to in the morning!