How was your holiday last week?
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for a vacation from my holiday! It was such a lovely whirlwind, but I need a little downtime to catch my breath.
That’s the way it works for me as an introvert. I love my people so much, but I also need to recharge in a quiet, undemanding space to feel like myself again.
For a long time, though, I thought my introversion and need for quiet was a weakness.
As a kid, I spent hours wandering the woods, gathering wildflowers, snacking on wild strawberries, and dancing where no one could see me. Those moments of solitude filled me up. Afterward, I felt ready to face the world again. But I kept that part of myself quiet, believing that needing downtime somehow made me “less than.”
Looking back now, I realize how wrong I was.
Those so-called weaknesses weren’t the end of my story—they were the beginning of something more profound. What I saw as flaws were actually gifts that helped shape me.
Weakness isn’t the end of the story. It’s the beginning of transformation.
When we embrace life with humility and a willingness to grow, what we once saw as flaws can become opportunities for strength—features.
Weakness isn’t something to hide or be ashamed of; it’s part of being human. It’s the gateway to becoming exactly who we’re meant to be.
This realization came during a tough season of life. What felt like a major weakness at the time opened the door to incredible growth. It was hard and messy, but it was also beautiful. That’s a story for another day, but I can tell you this: embracing weakness changed everything for me.
Leaning into learning and change, we can discover new strengths we never knew we had. Those ‘weaknesses’ are keys to becoming who we are meant to be.
Here’s to loving where we are, my friend—weaknesses, strengths, and all—and trusting that it’s leading us to something good.
Have a wonderful New Year, and let’s talk soon!
All my love,
CMH Coaching for Life