
Are You a Woman Without?

You may be familiar with the Bible story told of a poor widow bringing her offering to the temple.  It was such a small amount, a mite. It was not even enough to buy her bread and cheese for a single meal.  Would it really make any difference? Yet she was commended because “She of her want cast in all she hath.” Her society had defined her as a ‘woman without.’  She was a woman without a husband, but was she truly a woman without anything?  

Do you sometimes define yourself as a ‘woman without’?

Women without- women without a job, women without children, women without the coolest phone, without the great friend group, without a fantastic purpose, without a marriage, without money…. without without without…. It’s definitely not the perfect life you wanted, is it?

What would it look like to change your conception of yourself to ‘a woman with’?

Another way to look at the widow who cast in all she had was a widow with.  She was a woman with trust, a woman with faith, a woman with such an abundant mind that she could see the amazing things coming for her as well as all she had already.

That one makes me smile.  

See yourself as your Creator sees you.  See yourself as a woman who has such an abundance of love, such an abundance of generosity, such an abundance of trust, and faith that you can give all, every minute of the day….and know that you will be filled in unlimited ways.

Why? Because as you listen to and learn from your Creator, together you are creating the life that’s just right for you.

Because you know you can create alongside Him the life you really want to have.

The life of a “Woman With.”

I am a woman with a keen mind.  I am a woman with gifts and talents.  I am a woman with the drive to change and improve.  I am a woman with love.  I am a woman with good fortune.  I am a woman with friends.  I am a woman with support wherever I go.  I am a woman with abundant love, that is loved.  I am a woman with a mindful life.  I am a woman with hope.

Find a place in your life that you feel ‘without’

Go into the quiet of your mind and heart, settle into your chair, and take a deep heart-filling breath.

Let out all the tension and fear you have gathered today as you inhale and exhale three times.

Now, on the special stage of your mind, bring up an image of the thing you feel without.

Invite your Creator to help you see how you are really a “woman with”.

Sit quietly, breathe, and open your heart to Him.

Let the image come of the way you, the “woman with,” and are abundantly full and blessed.

Truly, you are a “woman with”

all my love,



Who am I writing for?

I write for every overwhelmed, discouraged, faith-challenged woman out there. I know your goodness and your capacity.

Why should you care?Because you were made for so much more! Stop playing small and embrace your true potential.

What do I want you to do here? I would love it if you kept reading, responding, and growing.

If you struggle, click here to get help.

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