Last Sunday, I was in the back row of about 50 women (yes, I can be that girl in the back row), and we were playing a game of Cahoots to get to know one another. There were questions about your favorite food, pastime, etc. But then this one came up: “How many days of the week do you wake up in the middle of the night with thoughts/worries/things on your mind?” There was general twitter as people responded, but the results astounded me! Out of the 50 or so women in the room, only 5 slept through the night consistently.
Now I understand that circadian rhythms, length of daylight hours, babies, teenagers, and aches and pains can make changes to our regular sleep patterns, but really, only 5 out of 50 of the women in the room? That just seems wrong. We were made for sleep. I know because for me, sleep is even better than dessert. I know that we all have seasons of sleep disruption. Stress, grief, illness, and children can all do that, but friend, do you regularly sleep through the night? If not- please, will you click the link below? If we have enough interest, I will put together a quick course for better sleep because I understand how to overcome insomnia and the crazy 2 am thoughts. Been there, done that, and between Jenn, Jaycine, and I, we can help you to sleep better, too. 3 Helps Right Now for Better Sleep1. Meditate or Pray before bed. Write a list of worries on your paper and put the paper away until morning. They will still be there when you wake up, promise. 2. If you do wake up in the middle of the night, say, “No problem, this is a gift of time to rest.” I like to have a conversation with my Creator. Eyes closed, recite all the things you are grateful for. It works much better than counting sheep. 3. Lavender works great on a pillowcase. When my kids were little, they were worried that wolves would attack in the night. (We live in the country.) I made up a batch of “Wolf Spray” lavender oil in water and sprayed it around the room to keep them away. It worked wonders. Here’s to improved rest, my friend! All my love, Beth

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