
This is the last Grit and Grace Podcast for the month.  It’s with Mandi, an amazing model for hope!

Perfect for beginning March, Hope Month.


As our boys were growing up, our family was actively involved in the Boy Scouts of America.  Watching our sons move from Tiger Cubs, Bears, and through the ranks from Tenderfoot to Eagle Scout was satisfying and not a little busy! 

Scouting gave us a framework to help our boys grow into the amazing men they are today.  Each time one of the boys attained the rank of Eagle Scout, I learned a little more about eagles.  Did you know that eagles are not afraid of storms?  While all the other birds seek safe shelter in stormy weather, the eagle will deliberately fly into the storm winds and use those powerful forces to its advantage.  I bet the lift is incredible!

March is Hope Month here at CMH Coaching.  (That’s what the H in CMH stands for.).   I love the dynamic example of the Eagle and his bold hope. 

Louisa May Alcott said, “I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning to steer my ship.”  

Hope is knowing that you have within you, light and truth.  

Hope is using the power of storms in life for your learning and growth.

So, my friend Creator, what storms have you got brewing right now? 

Could you use the winds and the changing currents to your advantage to 

aid in your creator’s path?

What would it feel like to fly right into the crazy winds, 

expecting them to help you instead of running for shelter?

You are learning to steer your ship. 

There is no need to be afraid of storms.

Soar ahead, knowing you have all the power within you to grow and progress!


That’s hope. I can do it. I can and I will.

So can you, with the aid of stormy weather.

Here’s to creating a great week; ride the wind!

All my love,


Certified Master Life Coach for
CMH Coaching for Life
Home of Creator-based Coaching® and the CBC® group experience.