The Oxford Dictionary defines resilience as the capacity to withstand or to recover quickly from difficulties; toughness or the ability of a substance or object to spring back into.

Have you had need to withstand or recover quickly this past week? Maybe a need for toughness or ability to bounce back? I have. 

As we approach the opening of CMH Coaching’s Safe Haven Retreat, there have been plenty of challenges. There have been myriad blessings as well.  Our human brain, however; prefers to dwell on the difficulty in an attempt to keep us safe from further challenges.

Does that make me happier? No

Does it keep me safer? Maybe in prehistoric times, but not these days. It just keeps me anxious.

So what do I do to rebound quickly and feel good after a tough day, week, month, or season?

What do you do?

I follow a regular, long-developed, foolproof protocol.

I touch base with my Creator every day, morning and evening.  In this way, I have a relationship with my higher power.  As my Heavenly Father and I converse, He strengthens me, by helping me see things the way He does.  As I receive that shift in perspective, I am grateful.


Gratitude is my resilience superpower.  I bet it’s yours too.

When we see the lesson and the purpose in our challenges, they turn from trouble to tune-ups.  Of course, we need to be willing to be taught, and willing to change, but as we do, our Creator enlarges our viewpoint and grows us into the people He knows we can be.

We become kinder, gentler, more fun, more patient, and happy.

We become resilient.

Life looks lighter and more doable.

We become grateful for the little things.

We find joy more often.

Willingness is at the heart of resilience.

Gratitude is the icing on the willingness cake.

How are you doing with that?  Cake is always a good idea.

And remember, we are here to help.

The Creator-based® Way is the door to resilience.  Our coaches can help guide you back to that lovely sweetness you knew once upon a time.

Let’s build a better week through resilience, willingness and gratitude.  I can and I will.  How about you? Write in and let us know!

All my love,
