Happy Veterans Day! I am so grateful for all of those who have and will continue to protect and serve our country. Thank You! As promised, today we will discuss the last 5 Healing Factors you can use to create more happiness and health in your life.. They are:
That’s a lot, so we’ll focus primarily on the emotional aspects. Another time, we can talk about diet, supplements, and herbs. As a certified nutritional herbalist, those are sweet topics for me. I know the wonders that right living can do. For now, let’s work on emotions and connection. That’s what CMH Coaching is all about. “When you touch a hot stove accidentally, your body remembers the pain the next time you see a stove. You stay away from the stove instinctively for fear of burning yourself. Emotional pain works the same way. Your mind and body remember the emotional pain you felt in a particular moment in your past, and that memory is filed away – sometimes buried – for your own protection. It’s a useful self-defense mechanism because it helps us to function. However, scientists have shown that suppressing emotions can suppress the immune system, which contributes to disease and hampers the body’s ability to heal.” To keep our health, emotions must be released. They are meant to pass through our bodies as the energies they are. are. If they get stuck, we get stuck, and it’s a rough road to progress. Releasing emotions is liberating and can be joyous. We simply have to allow and accept what is. Regular practice with this awareness will create powerful shifts in your life. Your body is your best friend. She will “go to the mat” and fight to the finish for you. She only wants you to succeed. As such, she will send physical signals to inform you when your thoughts and emotions are out of whack. When you feel a tight shoulder, some digestive upset, or a headache coming on, pause and try the “Lean into Resistance Mini-Steps” to discern what your body is saying about your thoughts and subsequent emotions. Brain Fog is a common malady that often resolves with this emotional release practice. Connecting with your Creator as you begin your practice is a loving and grounding habit. Stop and let God know what you’re feeling and hope to do. It will supercharge your work. Then, ask for help in each of the “Lean into Resistance Mini Steps.” As you finish the steps, remember to express gratitude for the help you have been given. Gratitude is an incredible energy generator! We’ll be talking about more emotional release processes on the podcast today. Join us at the Creator-based® Coaching on YouTube, Vimeo or your favorite Podcast Provider and let’s feel better together! All my love, Beth

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