The basic characteristics of grit are determination, persistence, resilience, excellence instead of perfection, and compassion. We’ve talked a little about determination Remember, standing up to that thing in your life that is so hard that it feels like it might crush you? And you have it. I know you have faced up to hard things in the past.
This week let’s talk about persistence and its role in your life. Persistence is pretty simple. It’s just ‘keeping on keeping on,’ right? But what makes us persist as wise, modern women? Why not just pop some popcorn and watch Netflix or scroll reels on Insta or TikTok?
Remember, the wise, modern woman has been around long enough to know stuff. She has had life experiences that have taught her an element of wisdom. She may even have been gifted to discover and hold her ‘why’. In short- she has perspective.
Persistence is born of perspective and understanding. Think of the great inventors, creators, world leaders, and great teachers. They didn’t have anything more than you do. That is, as long as you have your ‘why.’
What’s your why in life? Why do you persist in the face of adversity? What keeps you off the couch and getting up to work? Often, it’s someone you love. It can also be something you love so much that you feel called to do it. It can be a principle you feel you must defend. Your why is your core motivator. Your Why = Persistence.
Here are a few questions to help you consider your why this week. Write your answers down and put them somewhere you will see them. I like to use my phone background for this, but dry-erase marker on a mirror works too, or a post-it..
Your answers to these questions will help you define what really matters to you. Your ‘why’ will propel you to greater life confidence and contentment. Your ‘why’ may also be part of some of your worst days. That’s as it should be. Life is a 50/50 proposition. When you persist through adversity, it’s like weight lifting- you build muscle. With strong persistence muscles and 50/50 understanding, you will accomplish your dream.
Seriously! You will. I can and I will. You can too! All my love, Beth
Wise, modern women simply go to work. Don’t you do that every day? See- I told you, you are great. |

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