Oh my gosh! I made a mistake and it’s a calamity! Did you see last week’s post? The word ‘because’ was where the word ‘becoming’ should have been! Eeeeeeeek! It made no sense and looked so bad!
The things I send out should be perfect right? Wrong. I’m not perfect. You’re not perfect. Why would what I write be perfect?
A Creator-based® life is a whole new way to view (and make) mistakes.
Mistakes can be our safety/pressure release valve. Have you ever been so crazy busy and frazzled that you make dumb mistakes? That happens to me all the time. I get all up in my head and start to stress. Then I goof up.
When I goof up I generally have two options- berate myself & admit defeat, or forgive in love and move forward.
Could there be a third option? What if I saw that mistake as an opportunity to notice the speed at which I was moving, take a breath, and choose to restore my focus?
What if I chose to immediately focus on the mistake, deeply and singularly seeing it and then, course correct? What if I stayed in that loving place and was grateful for the mistake that brought me back to the present?
Seriously, a mistake is a gift. It’s the perfect time to breathe, accept, and move forward on a better, singular path, a little more slowly and probably more sanely.
So, are mistakes catastrophic? Not usually. Usually, they are a sweet reminder of our humanness, and a call to slow down a little, refocus, and be grateful.
Could you be grateful for that misspelled word or that fender bender? Even when it’s crazy and public? Maybe. Try it and see.
Here are the steps:
- Recognize the Mistake
- Grant yourself permission to be human
- Recognize you were unfocused
- Be grateful for the reminder
- Become present, refocus (fix the mistake)and move forward again
Backward law #3 Slowing down allows us to do more.
That’s how we live a Creator-based® life, embracing one mistake at a time and creating something better from it.
Have an amazing week y’all!
CMH Coaching for Life