
A Faith Fueled, Creator Led Life

Home Blog What Others Say Appointment Types What Is What is the 50/50 girl club? Who is your Master Life Coach? What is Creator-based® Coaching? Schedule An Appointment Coaching with Beth Coach n Clear Guided Mastermind Group A Creator-based® Year CBGE Learning Center...

The Conversation in my Head

      The Conversation  in my Head       Yeah, it’s been on my mind lately, this conversation we keep hearing in our heads.   You’re not perfect enough- your shiny paper life is wrinkled.   You’re not doing enough – there’s more stuff to do than time...

5 Key Happiness Factors Continued…

5 Key Happiness Factors cont’d Happy Veterans Day! I am so grateful for all of those who have and will continue to protect and serve our country.  Thank You! As promised, today we will discuss the last 5 Healing Factors you can use to create more happiness and...

Monday Morning Miracles?

Ask for Eyes to See… We can either live in a world of miracles or mediocrity.   And while I believe, like the Music Man, that mediocrity is not a mortal sin,  I also believe in miracles.  Every.Single.Day. A miracle has been defined as a wonder. Synonyms include...

Creator-based® Signatures

What does your signature say about you? I hope you had a lovely Mother’s Day yesterday.  Women are so important to the world! When I was a little girl, my Mom made my school lunches.  I had an Archie Comic Book lunch box- Veronica was my favorite.  All the little kids...