What is Inner Imagery?
Inner Imagery was created by Mary Woodthorpe. As a certified practitioner who studied personally with Mary, I have seen this collection of very useful Inner Imagery formats in use. They are highly effective at getting straight to the point of any issue addressed.
Inner Imagery provides a very gentle, rapid vehicle for personal internal change and will enable you to gain greater personal insight as well as assisting in personal recovery, whether of emotional or physical health. It can help you connect more deeply with your own inner wisdom.
On a deeper, more fundamental level Inner Imagery offers a very rapid and natural ability to raise your overall frequency levels by connecting to your inner wisdom. Our inner wisdom can show us what needs attention, why, and how best to release it and re-integrate it with our Creative Source.
This is what our life journey is all about, restoring our wholeness by enabling the parts of ourselves that perceive themselves as separate, to re-connect to the whole.Your inner self communicates to your conscious awareness through imagery, feelings and intuition using your mind as a tool. With Inner Imagery we can consciously work with our inner system to
understand ourselves better and to create beneficial more self-authentic change.