
January Week 1: The Principle of Possibility

Welcome to the Creator-based® Group Experience!  Lets create your one, awesome, amazing, perfect life together!

For the next 12 months we will be working through the 12 principles of Creator-based Coaching® or ‘CBC®

Every Monday you will see a new ‘Principle post’.

Today, we begin! Aren’t you excited? I am!

The Principle of Possibility  

Have you ever been to one of those amazing Las Vegas all you can eat buffets? Filled with prime rib, cheesecake and sometimes even caviar, for one price you can enjoy every delicacy your heart desires. It’s a beautiful thing, and for those of us who can really pack it away, a bargain. It appears that you can for that one, amazing moment, have everything you ever wanted in a meal. What’s even better, you didn’t have to prepare it and surely, you will not have to do anything to clean it up! It’s a little slice of Heaven on earth. (And I’m talkin’ cheesecake!)

Or is it? What has been your experience with all you can eat buffets?  For me, I looked forward to the meal with happy anticipation. I knew my tastebuds will be treated, my hedonistic tendencies tantalized and my soul satisfied. However; I was often disappointed. Instead, I would roll through the line, piling everything on without judgment of how much or what kind of food would help me feel best for the rest of the day. I mean, it’s all free! (I was the queen of FOMO) I was going to take full advantage of the bounty, and besides, isn’t this one binge okay? Once I finally pushed away from the table, I was over full, over fed and over- just over, and ready to roll my overstuffed self home for a long digest with a Netflix binge.

Life is a beautiful buffet of choices, better even than the finest Las Vegas buffet. We can choose from experiences that regale our senses and tantalize us. We can choose to enjoy that which does truly soothe our soul. We can learn and grow, or stagnate and stupor. It’s totally up to us. Our time is our own. The choice is ours, regardless of our current circumstance. 

As you progress along the buffet of life, which of course, only allows one plate, and one pass, what will your choose to put on your plate? There is an astounding array of options. Will they bring you energy, peace, purpose and soul filling satisfaction? Will they bring you over-fed, over-full, Netflix binging & bloat? The beauty of it is, you can choose. Always.  You can choose.

I hope that as you peruse this course of Creator-based Coaching, you will sup with the best. Choose as you would from the buffet.  Choose with care and understanding for what works best for you in your present and anticipated future circumstance. We each have one beautiful chance at this life, with all of its challenges and choices. What will it be? Cheesecake? Prime Rib? A life of all fat…….well, you know what happened to Jack Sprat. He had a triple bypass. Be aware. Balance is your friend.

Allow yourself grace, speaking kindly to your weakness, and seeing the possibility of change. Remember to love first. Open yourself to the possibility that your buffet choices really are yours, and that through the choices you make with your time and circumstances, you can change. Catch the vision of the person you can become. Because, after all, once you have caught the vision of the person you can become, you will rise up and never be the same again!Let’s talk this week about what we would choose from Life’s buffet.  Make a list of possibilities. If time, money, circumstances were of no consequence, what would you want to learn and do with the time you have here on earth? How would that translate to a decade of your life? A year? A month, week or day?  Write it downand share as you feel inclined to share. We are all here learning together, helping, coaching and loving each other.

©2021 CMH Coaching