
Thank You! Your gift has arrived! 

Scientific studies show that if you follow the 4 easy H.O.P.E. steps you will create more hope in your life.
Here’s to creating together!
Let’s keep in touch.

Great to meet you! Come see us anytime.


CMH Coaching is home to the Creator-based Coaching® program, designed to help you and the ones
you love create your one, awesome, amazing perfect life.
What is Creator-based Coaching®?
Creator-based Coaching® is an entirely new approach to being creatively alive, healthy and happy.
We believe all human beings were created. Call your Creator what you will; God, Heavenly Father, Life, Centered Self; we are by divine-inheritance, born creators.
The first two program principles, included in this gift, are ‘You are the creator of your life
experience’ and ‘You have within you light and truth; all the power you need to
grow and progress.’
Here is your guide to more hope and light in that life. Grab
your journal- you’re gonna wanna jot down some notes.